Ground water samples are collected using low flow sampling techniques* and flow through sampling cells which minimize risk of cross contamination and provides a more accurate representation of ground water quality (purge and bail techniques also available).
All our field technicians are well trained and experienced. With handling all routine sampling, all basic parameters are measured at every site, every time, for one price.
Parameters include:
*U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 1 Low Stress (low flow) Purging and Sampling Procedure for the Collection of Ground Water Samples from Monitoring Wells, January 19, 2010, Revision 3. Other methods are used when required by the client.
Typical 3 volumes purge sampling (commonly known as bailer sampling) is also available.
PFAS is the acronym for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Newly recognized as a contaminants of concern, PFAS compounds have been identified in groundwater and surface water in several locations across Michigan. If you have questions about PFAS, PFOA, PFOS or related compounds, H2O Investigation is glad to help.
Costs for monitoring well sampling varies and is based on the volume of samples needed, location of the sites, the method of sampling and type of pumps required.
H2O Investigation prices includes all labor, mileage, equipment, ice, and supplies (field filters and bailers, if needed, are extra). When we are hired to do the sampling, the use of our report generation software for the site being sampled is included for free. Laboratory fees and shipping are not included.
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